Returns a page of unique opens or the number of unique opens, only.


Parameter Default Description
from_date If provided, only the opens after or equal (including) the given date will be returned. The value of from_date must be a numeric value representing a point in time milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00
to_date If provided, only the opens before (excluding) the given date will be returned. The value of to_date must be a numeric value representing a point in time milliseconds afterJanuary 1, 1970 00:00:00
mailing_id Multivalued parameter to filter the opens by mailings. Each value must correspond to a mailing id.
ids Multivalued parameter to filter the results by contacts. Each value must correspond to a contact id.
emails Multivalued parameter to filter the results by email addresses.
eids Multivalued parameter to filter the results by external ids. Each value must correspond to a contacts external id
format Filters the opens by format. Possible values are: html / text.
social_network Multivalued parameter to filter the opens by the social networks where they occurred.
device_type Multivalued parameter to filter the opens by device type. Possible values for device_type are: UNKNOWN / COMPUTER / TABLET / MOBILE
embed_email_client_infos false If the set to true, available email client details will be appended to each open.
exclude_anonymous_opens true Supported values: true / false. If set to true, the opens that cannot be mapped to contacts because of permission types or because unsubscriptions are omitted in the results.
standard_field Multivalued parameter to query the value of a standard contact field.
custom_field Multivalued parameter to query the value of a custom contact field.
page_index 1 The index of the result page. The index must be greater or equal to 1.
page_size 100 The maximum count of items in the result page. If provided, the value of page_size must be in the range 1 to 1000.
